Representative early accounts of
Native stone cairns in the
The Memorial History of the City of New York; 1892,
James G. Wilson, editor; Vol. 1; Chapter II: The Native Inhabitants of
Manhattan and its Indian Antiquities; Edward Mannning Ruttenber; p. 50:
Wa-wa-na-quas-sick is a
somewhat lengthy combination, --wa-wa is plural, or many;
na signifies good; quas is stone or stones, and ick,
place of stones. It all means a pile of memorial stones thrown
together to mark a place or event."
Dr. James H. Trumbull, Indian Names of Places, etc., in and on the
borders of Connecticut; 1881; p. 53:
Pomperaug: . . . A heap of stones,
in the village of Woodbury is supposed to mark the grave of Pomperaug,
on which "each member of the tribe, as he passed that way, dropped a
small stone, in token of his respect for the fame of the deceased" (Cothren's
Woodbury, i. 88). Such memorial stone-heaps were common in New
England. From the one in Woodbury both the locality and the mythic
sachem probably received their name, which may be interpreted 'place
of offering,' or 'contributing.'
A site in Norwich, CT records a tradition of building
stone cairns. It is the Miantonono Monument. The bronze plaque erected
by the state tells the story of Miantonomo, a Narragansett sachem
who concluded that the various tribes had to form a confederacy to fight
the colonists in the wake of the colonists' massacre of the Pequots
1637. His plans were betrayed to the colonists by Uncas, the sachem of
his enemies the Mohegans. He and a band of 1000 warriors were lured into
a trap by Uncas, and in the battle of 1643 he was captured and then
executed. The plaque states:
"For years, Narragansetts visiting
the spot of Miantonomo's capture honored their sachem's memory by
placing a small stone at this memorial site.
The resulting cairn was removed long ago to use the
stones for local construction.

Dr. Noah Webster to Rev. Ezra Stiles [President of
Yale College] Jany. 20th 1788
It is said by the English, who are
best acquainted with the manners of the natives, that they had a
custom of collecting, at certain stated periods, all the bones of
their deceased friends and burying them in some common grave. Over
these cemetaries or general repositories of the dead, were erected
those vast heaps of earth or mounts similar to those which are
called in England barrows, and which are discovered in every part of
the United States. The indians seem to have had two methods of
burying the deadone was, to deposit one body (or at most but a
small number of bodies), in a place, and cover it with stones,
thrown together in a careless manner. The pile thus formed would
naturally be nearly circular, but those piles that are discovered,
are sometimes oval. In the neighborhood of my fathers house, and
about 7 miles from Hartford, on the public road to Farmington, there
is one of these Carnedds [cairns] or heaps of stone. I often passed
by it in the early part of my youth, but never measured its
circumference or examined its contents. My present opinion is that
its circumference is about 25 feet. The inhabitants in the
neighborhood report, as a tradition recieved from the natives, that
an Indian was buried there, and that it is the custom for every
Indian that passes by, to cast a stone upon the heap. This custom I
have never seen practised; but have no doubt of its existence, as it
is confirmed by the general testimony of the first American
The other mode of burying the dead
was to deposit a vast number of bodies, or the bones which were
taken from the single scattered graves, in a common cemetary, and
over them raise vast tumuli or barrows; such as the mount at
Muskingum, [on the West Virginia, Ohio border]
which is 390 feet in circumference, and 50 feet high. The best
account of these cemetaries may be found in Mr. Jefferson s Notes on
Virginia, which will appear the most satisfactory to the reader in
his own words.
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia,
. . . Barrows, of which many are to be found all over this
country. These are of different sizes, some of them constructed of
earth, and some of loose stones. That they were repositories of the
dead, has been obvious to all: but on what particular occasion
constructed, was matter of doubt. Some have thought they covered the
bones of those who have fallen in battles fought on the spot of
interment. Some ascribed them to the custom, said to prevail among the
Indians, of collecting, at certain periods, the bones of all their dead,
wheresoever deposited at the time of death. Others again supposed them
the general sepulchres for towns, conjectured to have been on or near
these grounds; . . .
But on whatever occasion they may have been made, they are of
considerable notoriety among the Indians: for a party passing, about
thirty years ago, through the part of thecountry where this barrow is, went through the woods directly to it,
without any instructions or enquiry, and having staid about it some
time, with expressions which were construed to be those of sorrow, they
returned to the high road, which they had left about half a dozen miles
to pay this visit, and pursued their journey. There is another barrow,
much resembling this in the low grounds of the South branch of
Shenandoah, where it is crossed by the road leading from the Rock-fish
gap to Staunton. Both of these have, within these dozen years, been
cleared of their trees and put under cultivation, are much reduced in
their height, and spread in width, by the plough, and will probably
disappear in time. There is another on a hill in the Blue ridge of
mountains, a few miles North of Wood's gap, which is made up of small stones thrown together. This has been opened and found to contain human
bones, as the others do. There are also many others in other parts of
the country.
Rev. Timothy Dwight (President of Yale College);
Travels in New-England and New-York; 1821;
Vol. 2, p.380:
From Barrington, in our way to
Stockbridge, we crossed Monument mountain: a spur from the Green
Mountain range. The name is derived from a pile of stones, about six
or eight feet in diameter, circular at its base, and raised in the
form of an obtuse cone* over the grave of one of the aborigines. The
manner, in which it has been formed, is the following- Every Indian,
who passes by the place, throws a stone upon the tomb of his
countryman. By this slow method of accumulation, the heap has risen
in a long series of years to its present size. The same mode
of raising monuments for the dead, except in one particular, has
existed among other nations. . . . By the natives of America it
seems to be an expression of peculiar reverence, and an act of
obedience to the dictates of their religion.
[* an 'obtuse cone' is one which does not reach
a sharp point, but rather ends with a broad top.]
Vol 3, p. 109:
The country from Sandwich to Plymouth[, Massachusetts] is a
continued forest with a few solitary settlements in its bosom. The
surface is, principally, a plain; but at times swelling into hills.
Wherever the road lies on the shore the prospects are romantic; but
wild and solitary. The forest is, generally, composed of yellow
pines; the soil is barren; and the road almost universally sandy;
but less deep than that, which has been heretofore described. We
passed several places, which, in this region have been kept in
particular remembrance from an early period. Among them is a rock,
called Sacrifice Rock; and a piece of water, named
Clam-pudding Pond. On the former of these the Indians were
accustomed to gather sticks, some of which we saw lying upon it, as
a religious service, now inexplicable.
Vol. 3, p. 403:
After we had examined the falls of this river, and its passage
through the mountains below, my companions ascended the summit of
that on the Eastern side, for the purpose of seeing a monument of
stones, formed in a manner generally resembling that which I have
heretofore described in these letters, as existing on Monument
mountain, near Stockbridge[, Massachusetts]. It was intended to mark
the grave of an Indian chief, who was buried here. This chief
was one of the Scaghticokes : a tribe which I have heretofore
mentioned, and of which New-Milford was formerly the principal
residence. His crime was the murder of one of his own people. In
consequence of this act he was immediately pursued by the avenger of
blood; who, among the Mohekaneews, and among the Iroquois also, was,
usually, the nearest male kinsman. The chief fled to Roxbury; a
township bordering on New Milford South-Eastward; thence to
Woodbury; and thence to Southbury: in which township he came upon
the river. He then directed his course up the stream, till he
reached the summit of this mountain; where he was overtaken, and
killed, by his pursuer, on the spot in which he was buried.
The figure of this monument was, in one respect, different from that
which is in the neighbourhood of Stockbridge. That was an obtuse
cone. This is a circular enclosure, surrounding the
grave. Both were, however, gathered in the same manner. Every
Indian, at least of the tribe to which the deceased belonged,
considered himself as under a sacred obligation, whenever he passed
by, to add one stone to the heap; as did, I believe, those of every
other tribe, belonging to the same nation. In this gradual manner
both monuments were accumulated. It is remarkable, that both
are on high, and solitary, grounds, remote from every Indian
settlement; and that the persons buried were excluded from the
customary burying places of their respective tribes; places
considered, I believe, by all the Mohekaneews as consecrated ground.
Of both it is also true, that the Indians have declared the
obligation to cast any more stones upon them to have ceased for a
considerable period. Of the chief, buried here, it is certain, that
he was considered as having committed a gross crime. . . . Within a
short time past, some young gentlemen, studying physic in the
neighbourhood, attempted to dig up the bones of this deceased chief.
The attempt, while it destroyed an interesting relic of Indian
manners, gave very great offence to the Schaghticokes; who
threatened them with violence for the injury done to their tribe.
Vol. 3 p.408:
On our way to Stockbridge[, Massachusetts] we went to the Indian
monument, mentioned in a former part of these letters; and, to our
great regret, found it broken up in the same manner, as that at
New-Milford. I ought, in my account of that, to have added,
that this mode of erecting monuments was adopted only on peculiar
occasions. The common manner of Indian burial had nothing in it of
this nature. The remains of the dead, who died at home, were lodged
in a common cemetery, belonging to the village, in which they had
lived. Sometimes they were laid horizontally, and sometimes were
interred in a sitting posture. . . . These, monuments were
plainly erected under the sanctions of Religion : for every Indian
felt himself religiously obliged, when he passed by, to cast a stone
upon them. How long this obligation extended is to me unknown; but
it had its termination : for the Indians, in both these instances,
consider themselves as having been released from it a good number of
years. Both of them were also raised upon extraordinary
occasions. What those occasions were it may now be impossible to
Through the 18th and well into the 19th
Centuries, it was well-known that many cairns were erected in
conjunction with burials and that Natives would go out of their way to
visit them to pay their respects to the deceased. Washington
Irving was yet another chronicler of this tradition. The
Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon; 1819:
"Tribes that have passed generations exiled from the abodes of their
ancestors, when by chance they have been travelling in the vicinity,
have been known to turn aside from the highway, and, guided by
wonderfully accurate tradition, have crossed the country for miles to
some tumulus, buried perhaps in woods, where the bones of their tribe
were anciently deposited, and there have passed hours in silent
E. G. Squier, Antiquities of the State of New York,
Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. II, 1851; p. 164-5:
". . . occasional large heaps of
stone, the work of the aborigines, are to be found in the State of
New York. Particular reference was made to one in Scoharie county,
which is described more in detail in Howe's Gazetteer of New York,
as follows:
Between Scoharie creek and Caughnawaga was an Indian trail, and
near it, in the north bounds of Scoharie county, has been seen, from
time immemorial, a large pile of stones, which has given the name of
"stone heap patent" to the tract on which it occurs, as may be seen
from ancient deeds. Indian tradition says that a Mohawk murdered his
brother on this spot, and that this heap was erected to commemorate
the event. Every individual who passed that way added a stone to the
pile, in propitiation of the spirit of the victim.'
A letter from Rev. Gideon Hawley of Marshpee
containing a Narrative of his Journey to Onohoghgwage in 1753 [from Doc.
Hist. of NY vol III p. 1039, from 1 Mass. Coll. IV]:
"Mr. Butler obtained for us an Indian
guide to conduct us across to Schoharry, about sixteen miles south,
through a wilderness. . . . We came to a resting place, and breathed
our horses, and slaked our thirst at the stream, when we perceived
our Indian looking for a stone, which having found, he cast to a
heap, which for ages had been accumulating by passengers like him,
who was our guide. We inquired why he observed that rite. His answer
was, that his father practiced it, and enjoined it on him. But he
did not talk on the subject. I have observed in every part of the
country, and among every tribe of Indians, and among those where I
now am, in a particular manner, such heaps of stones or sticks
collected on the like occasion as the above. The largest heap I ever
observed, is that large collection of small stones on the mountain
between Stockbridge and Great-Barrington [Massachusetts]. We have a
sacrifice rock, as it is termed, between Plymouth and Sandwich, to
which stones and sticks are always cast by Indians who pass it. This
custom or right is an acknowledgment of an invisible being. We may
style him the unknown God, whom this people worship. This heap is
his altar. The stone that is collected is the oblation of the traveler, which, if offered with a good mind, may be as acceptable
as a consecrated animal."

Barber, J. & Howe, H.; Historical Collections of the
State of New York Containing a General Collection of the Most
Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes; 1841:
"Somewhere between Schoharie creek
and Caughnawaga commenced an Indian road or foot path, which led to
Schoharie. Near this road, and within the Northern bounds of
Schoharie county, has been seen from time immemorial a large pile of
stones, which has given the name Stone heap patent' to the tract on
which it occurs, as may be seen from ancient deeds."
Hopkins, Samuel, Historical memoirs, relating to the
Housatunnuk Indians: or, An account of the methods used, and pains
taken, for the propagation of the gospel among that heathenish- tribe .
. , 1753; p.11:
"There is a large heap of stones, I
suppose ten cart-loads, in the way to Wanhktukook, which the Indians
have thrown together as they passed by the place: for it used to be
their custom, every time one passed by, to throw a stone upon it:
but what was the end thereof they cannot tell, only that their
fathers used to do it, and they do it because it was the custom of
their fathers."
Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 71; The
Smithsonian Institution; Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of
the Mississippi; David Bushnell; 1920; p. 17:
"As early as 1720 some English
traders saw a large heap of stones on the east side of the
Westenhook or Housatonic Rover, so called, on the southerly end of
the mountain called Monument Mountain, between Stockbridge and Great
Barrington.' This circumstance gave rise to the name which has ever
since been applied to the mountain, a prominent landmark in the
valley. This ancient pile of stones may have marked the grave of
some great man who lived and died before the coming of the
Regional Cairns
Linked articles on cairns:
Stylized cairns and walls
Platform cairns
Astronomically aligned cairns
Investigations of Two Stone Mound Localities, Monroe County
(6.2 MB PDF)
Rock Eagle effigy cairn of quartzite
listed on the National Register in 1978
Rock Hawk effigy cairn
surrounded by a stone circle
W. Virginia-
Smithsonian documentation of Native
Indiana- "a low dome-shaped [cairn] measuring about 55 by 50 feet and 4
feet high"
Cairns used to drive big game over
Photo (lower left) of a stone mound
Stone altar incorporated into
Alligator Mound and
Minnesota- Cairn "twelve feet in diameter and six in height"
Montana- "They used to build stone mounds several miles long and each
mound was two or three rods apart. These were in a V shape and several
miles wide at the mouth. When the Buffalo came, they would run them into
the V."
Register documentation of cairn burials
bibliography of stone mounds
Stone mounds on the Whitewater
Stone mound 10 meters long by 5
meters wide and 1-1/2 meters high
Upper Peninsula of Michigan-
stone cairns photos (scroll
to bottom of page)
Annotated Bibliography of and Native
American Religious Shrines, Trail Shrines, Rock Cairns, Stacked Rock
Features and Rock Markers
Cairns along the Lewis & Clark route
Cairns erected in 1876 by Cheyenne
and Sioux relatives of the killed and wounded of the Battle of Little
Georgia -
Three great cairns of white stone,
surrounded by many small rock cairns.
The location of the Sacrifice
Rock on the road between Sandwich and Plymouth

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